A Collaborative Approach to Sustainable Design


Building Design Services was founded in 1990 by Deborah Todd who is a certified Building Designer, certified Sustainable Building Adviser, and LEED accredited professional. At BDS we design finely crafted, custom, single-family residences that set the standard for functionality, sustainability, and aesthetics. With a passion for community building, BDS has designed collaborative communities from co-housing and multi-family projects to aging-in place residences and accessory dwelling units. 

In addition to successfully completing over 400 homes in the Pacific Northwest, projects can also be found in Hawaii, Arizona, California, the Bahamas and Canada. BDS has been recognized for designs that are beautiful, sustainable and affordable. Collaborative from the start, the team remains committed to helping clients realize their dreams in a manner that is creative, productive and fulfilling. At the same time, it has earned a reputation from both government planning agencies, as well as, building contractors for its high design standards, proficiency at computer modeling and professional integrity.

As a woman owned company, Deborah, welcomed the incredible talents of Katie Greenmun who joined the team in 2016 and Yue Xu who has been with BDS since 2005.

With our commitment to sustainable design standards, we follow the values stated in the Living Building Challenge:

  • Homes should be regenerative in that they connect occupants to light, air, food, nature and community.

  • Homes should be self-sufficient and remain within the resource limits of their site and region.

  • Homes should be resilient and create a positive impact on the humans and the natural systems that interact with them.



New Homes

Reflecting the style of the homeowner
with a sense of place

Remodels & Additions

Improving already existing structures with
a keen eye on sustainability 


Communities & Multi-Family

Collaborating living spaces to support
deeper community

Small Homes, In-Laws & ADUs

Minimizing impact through small design
and footprint


Unique Projects

Pushing the limits of creativity with
one-of-a-kind building projects